1990 Plan
In 1990, Carol Rule from the Potters Bar Sub Aqua Club created an isometric drawing of the wreck which has been the basis of all subsequent wreck plans. Click here to see the original image.

Corrected 1990 Plan
This is a corrected version of the early 1990s isometric plan with the boilers in their correct position. It also shows the port paddle wheel intact before it collapsed during the winter of 1990 or 1991. Click here to see the original image.

2004 Plan
In 2004, Wessex Archaeology added to the 1990 isometric drawing of the Iona II to show the changes to the site and to swap the sets of boilers around which had been drawn in the wrong positions. Wessex also incorporated a series of 23 monitoring points which have been used to monitor the changes and deterioration of the wreck. Click here to see the original image.

2012 Plan
The main image shows the state of the wreck as reported by licensees in 2012.Click here to see the original image.