The newly-refurbished St Helen’s Centre which is incorporated into the church on Lundy provides an excellent base for educational visits. Along with the appointment of an on-island Education Officer and the development of educational resources tailored to the National Curriculum, we are delighted to be able to offer a structured programme of educational day visits to Lundy.
Lundy is a completely unique environment, and an ideal place for children to learn outside of the classroom. It is a world apart from the pressures of modern life, with variable mobile phone signal, no internet connection, and a raw and rugged landscape. The contrasts of the island and its rich history, natural environment, and remote community provide a vast number of educational opportunities, as well as providing children with an inspiring adventure experience which will help their personal development and understanding of the world.
From learning about the unique island history and seeing the smugglers cave used by the notorious Thomas Benson, being inspired by the beautiful environment on a sketch-book walk, understanding our marine designations and rich underwater wildlife, to viewing the Lundy puffins and discovering seabird ecology, a visit to Lundy will give school pupils memories to last a lifetime. Take a look at our Schools Flyer to see the themes that can be covered on your visit, and then take a look at the Lundy Educational Guide to understand what a visit to the island will entail.
For all educational visit enquiries, please contact our shore office at:
[email protected]