'The Lundy team and I are always deeply touched when somebody considers the island worthy of a gift in their will. These gifts help us to protect the island’s wildlife, above and below the waves, as well as its notable archaeological and architectural heritage. Thank you for considering a gift in your will which will help ensure that future generations can explore and enjoy our unique island.'
Derek Green, Lundy General Manager
Why remember Lundy?
A gift in your will to Lundy will contribute to the protection of the island, its flora, fauna and marine life. The Landmark Trust and islanders, in partnership with the National Trust and Natural England, work together to protect and preserve Lundy. However, this work in caring for the island is expensive. To ensure that future generations can explore and enjoy this unique and unspoiled island please consider supporting us through a gift in your will.
A legacy for the Old Light

How to remember Lundy
Your legacy gift to Lundy will be greatly valued and can take many forms. It could be a specific sum of money or a percentage of the residue estate after all the other gifts have been distributed. After remembering your loved ones we hope you will consider leaving a gift to Lundy. Here is some suggested wording to include in your will:
I give free of inheritance tax to the Landmark Trust of Shottesbrooke, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3SW (registered charity in England & Wales 243312 and Scotland SCO39205) the sum of £….. absolutely and it is my wish that this gift be used to further work in caring for Lundy Island.
I give free of inheritance tax to the Landmark Trust of Shottesbrooke, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3SW (registered charity in England & Wales 243312 and Scotland SCO39205) …(1% share/half/all) of my residuary estate absolutely and it is my wish that this gift be used to further work in caring for Lundy Island.

Acknowledging your support
Naturally, such a pledge is simply a statement of your current intentions, it is in no way legally binding and will be treated in strictest confidence. All legacies are recorded in a commemorative book in Lundy’s Marisco Tavern.
Thank you
We are very grateful to Mr N Bailey, Mr M Barnard, Mr S Cooper, Mrs P Dunthorne, Mrs J Eyles, Mrs F Jenkins, Ms E Jones, Mr J Lynham, Mrs D Peet, Mr J Proudman, Mrs P Rodley, Mrs J Rose, Dr R Skinner and Mr P Williams who have all generously left Lundy gifts in their Wills.
Free online will writing service
Having an up-to-date will is the only way to be sure the people and causes you care about are looked after.
With Bequeathed you can make a start on your Will For Good immediately. Just go online any time that suits you, register and complete the online will interview. If you need help you can search hundreds of guidance articles, use online chat or book a support call. Once the online interview is complete, you’ll receive online legal advice tailored to your circumstances. This will be in the form of recommendations, and sometimes requirements, from Bequeathed’s in-house solicitor.
You can book a free legal appointment to discuss any of these in more detail, then decide if you’d like to go ahead with a free basic will or pay for the additional protection discussed. As long as a free basic will is suitable for your circumstances, you can choose the convenience of having your will delivered straight to your inbox.
However you choose to complete it, you’ll receive your will along with instructions on signing it correctly in front of witnesses. You’ll also receive a Letter of Advice summarising everything you’ve been told, and setting out what your will does and doesn’t do.
Please consider leaving a gift to the Landmark Trust for use on Lundy when you make your Will For Good. Your generosity will help us to carry on our vital work long into the future.
Visit bequeathed.org to learn more
If you'd like to get in touch, please contact us via [email protected] or 01628 512114.