What's on at Crownhill Fort

Public access and special events on selected dates

Crownhill Fort is open to the public on the specific dates mentioned.
The inside of the Fort is private and not open to visitors at other times.

Thursday 16th May - late opening with tours and talks - 4pm to 7.30pm
Details of this event will be announced over the next two weeks. Admission £5 adults, £3 children, parking £2.50 per vehicle.
A limited number of advance tickets are now on sale. Any unsold tickets will be offered for sale on the day and can be bought using cash only.
Future events
Thursday 6th June - commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings - 7pm to 10pm 
The Grounds and Museums at Crownhill Fort will be open for visitors to explore and there will be a beacon lighting ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings.
Admission £5 adults, £3 children, parking £2.50 per vehicle. A limited number of advance tickets are now on sale. 
Tuesday 9th July - firing of the Moncrieff Disappearing Gun - 6pm to 8pm
One of only two examples worldwide, this operational Moncrieff Disappearing Gun is a very rare piece of artillery that showcases the ingenuity of Victorian inventors. You are invited to join us for a short tour of the Fort before we drill and fire a blank charge from this unusual piece. Just 40 tickets will be available for this event to ensure everybody has a good view of the action. 
Admission £5 per person, parking £2.50 per vehicle. Tickets will go on sale in early June 
Tuesday 23rd July - firing of the Caponier Guns - 6pm to 8pm
Thursday 8th August - public event - 4pm to 7pm
Saturday 7th September - be part of a Gun crew - 10am to 3pm
Friday 20th September - bat walk - 6.30pm to 8pm
Saturday 28th September - join a guided tour of the Fort - 10am to midday
Tuesday 22nd October - Crownhill Fort After Dark - 4pm to 8pm

Crownhill Fort

Crownhill Fort is home to a succession of holiday guests and a community of small businesses. For this reason public access is not permitted on dates other than those listed above.

Some areas of the Fort including the Holiday Accommodation, underground spaces and premises occupied by our business residents are not available to view unless advertised.

Note that we only allow assistance dogs inside the Fort; please leave your pets at home.

For more information about public events please contact the Fort Office on 01752 793754