Our supporters

We are extremely grateful for the generosity of all of our supporters, some of whom are listed below. Every donation you give makes a real difference to our work in rescuing and caring for remarkable historic buildings.

Life Patrons

Mr P Acland, Mr G Aldous & Professor V Knapp OBE, Mrs S Andrew, Mr I Andrew & Mrs S Moore, Mr N Atkinson & Mr G Reed, Mr A Baker & Dr S Darling, Mr G Ball, Mr I Boyd, Lord Brownlow of Shurlock Row CVO DL, Mr R Broyd OBE, Dr J & Mrs J Bull, Mr H Burge, Mr M Caporn, Mr T & Mrs M Cave, The Hon E Cayzer, Mr S & Mrs H Cieslik, Mr R Collins, Mr S Conrad, Mr H R Cookson, Dr P Corry, Mr P Davies, Sir John De Trafford Bt MBE, Mrs V Dyer, Mr R Eaton CBE, Mr J C Elliot, Mrs F Fairbairn, Mr J W Filius, Mrs D Ford, Miss D Fowler, Sir Bill & Lady Gammell, Mr B & Mrs C Gardner, Mrs E Gibbs, Viscount Gough, Dr S & Mrs L Groves, Mrs B Gwinnell, Dr A Hamilton, Mr R Hare, Mr C T & Mrs P Hart, Miss J Hodgkinson, Mr D Holberton, Ms B Hollond, Mrs M B Jones, Mr R & Mrs G Joye, Ms K Lampard CBE, Mr A Layng & Mr R Grigson, Mr F & Mrs A Ledden, Mr A Leibowitz & Ms B Weiss, Miss T Little, Mr P Little & Ms L Cartledge, Dr C & Mrs L Lott, Mrs S Lund, Dr E C Marsh, Mr S R Martin Mr A Martin, Mr R McBrien & Dame P Harris, Mr D McCleary & Mrs A Gloag OBE, Mr A Mead, The Lord Mendoza, Mr J Miller CBE, Mr P J Moorby OBE, Mr A Murray-Jones & Ms D Finkler, Mr A & Mrs M Mylne, Mr G Neame OBE DL, Reverend J & Reverend S Pitkin, Dr A Pym, Mr T Reid & Ms L Ambrose, Mr C Roman, Dr E Rosten & Dr S Cox, Mr J W & Mrs N Scott, Mr M & Mrs C Seale, Mr R & Mrs E Setchim, Mr P Shone, Mr W Sieghart, Mrs C Spores, The Hon Tobias Tennant, Mr O Thomas, Mr B J & Mrs P Thompson, Mr C & Mrs K Turner, Mr M Ward & Lady Sarah Ward, Mrs J Waterman, Mr G Whyte & Ms S Whitley, Mr S & Mrs A Worley and 16 further Life Patrons who wish to remain anonymous.


Annual Patrons

 Professor M Airs OBE, Mrs C Alderson, Mr M Ashby & Mrs P Nasr, Mr H & Mrs S Banister, Mr N Baring CBE & Mrs D Baring, Mrs A Bartleet MBE DL, Mr M Bennett MBE, Mr J R Benton, Miss C Beveridge, Mr J Birch, Mr C J Bird, Mr J Blaikie, Mr D Boyd & Mr P Burfoot, Mr A Bradbury, Mr M Brecker & Mr N Strange, Mrs T Brown, Sir Hugo & Lady Brunner, Mr D Clark, Dr R C & Mrs J Clay, Mr G Clayton, Mr B Colchester, Mr R Collier, Mr R & Ms E Conway, Ms S Cook, Mr J Copping, Mr R & Mrs C Cotton, Mrs K Davies, Mr M D Drury CBE, Mr N Dutton, Mr L Enriquez & Miss L Tsai, Mr C J & Mrs A Farrow, Mr J R A Fell, Mr B Foord, Mr P Fox, Mr A S H Fraser, Mr P Gould & Ms E Clark, Ms F Grimshaw, Dr C Guettler, Dr R Gurd & Ms M Black, Mr M Hancock, Mrs S Hands, Mr J Hastings-Bass, Mr D J Haunton, Mr W P Heighway, Dr E Hicks, Mr K D Holmes, Mr J Holmfield & Mrs J Leaf, Dr K Holowka, Dr R Jackson TD VR FRGS, Mrs E James, Mr A T Jardine, Mr G Jennings, Mr B Johnston, Ms A Jolly, Professor D Jones, Dr R D & Mrs E Jurd, Mr N B & Mrs W Kingon, Mrs A Kingston, Mr J Lambert, Ms C Lee, Dr I & Mrs C Lee, Mr C Lewis-Jones, Mr S Lowy, Mr G MacGregor, Sir Laurie Magnus Bt CBE & Lady Magnus, Mrs P B Maitland Dougall, Mr A Manisty, Mr J E May, Professor R Mayou, Professor R & Mrs S McClelland, Mr P Morris, Dr B & Mrs R Mulady, Mr I & Mrs J Murray, Mr R Nelson, Mrs Z Ollerenshaw, Mr M Page, Mr C N Phoenix MBE, Mrs P Plunket-Checkemian, Mrs P Porter, Mr M R P Power, Mr G & Mrs J Ranawake, Mr J Ransom, Ms G Rawinsky, Mr S Record, Mr N & Mrs J Record, Mr J & Mrs V Ringer, Mr D Rowe, Lord Robin Russell, Dr J Schofield, Mr J & Mrs A Seekings, Mr M G Simms, Mr M Thomas, Mr P Ticer, Mr D J Y Trehane, Dr J P Vestey, Dr R Ward, Mr M Wieliczko, Mr L & Dr L Wilcox, Mrs J E Worsfold, Mr T & Mrs C Youngman and 9 further Annual Patrons who wish to remain anonymous.

Legacy gifts

The late Miss P Burkinshaw, the late Mr L Hutchings, the late Reverend J Grover, the late Mr J Owen, the late Mr A Peacock, and the late Mr S Sayer, and the late Mr I Glover.

We are also extremely grateful to all those supporters who have chosen to remember us in their Will.

Gifts in memory

Our thanks to all those who have given in memory of Mr S Curtis and Mr R Hinton.

Recent grants from Trusts and Foundations

Architectural Heritage Fund,  Ian Askew Charitable Trust,  The Nancy Bateman Charitable Trust, T B H Brunner Charitable Trust, Bunbury Charitable Trust, The Leslie Mary Carter Charitable Trust, Dorus Trust, Simon Gibson Charitable Trust, The Charles Michael Holloway Charitable Trust, The Marjorie and Geoffrey Jones Charitable Trust, Mrs F B Lawrence Charitable Trust, The Leche Trust, The Nerquis Hall Fund, The Oakdale Trust, William and Edith Oldham Charitable Trust, The Pilgrim Trust, RV & RH Simons Trust, The Sutton and Cheam Society, The Tanner Trust. We would also like to thank many other trusts whose support is invaluable.


Other recent grants

We are hugely grateful to those who have supported Llwyn Celyn, including:

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We would also like to thank supporters who have chosen to remain anonymous, as well as our 1,600 Friends and 673 Regular Givers whose subscriptions and gifts make a vital contribution to our work.