
Founded in 1965, The Landmark Trust is one of Britain's leading building conservation charities.

With the help of our supporters, we save historic buildings in danger of being lost forever. We sensitively restore such 'Landmarks' and offer them a new future by making them available to everyone for self-catering holidays. The lettings income from the 200 extraordinary buildings in our care supports their maintenance and survival in our landscape, culture and society. 

Though they range from the sober to the spectacular, all our buildings are rich in history and atmosphere. They include picturesque pavilions and medieval long-houses, artillery forts and Gothick follies, clan chiefs’ castles and cotton weavers’ cottages, the homes of great writers and the creations of great architects, from Browning to Boswell, from Pugin to Palladio.

Contested histories

The rescued buildings in Landmark’s portfolio deliberately set out to represent Britain’s history in all its richness. Read about our ongoing work regarding the interpretation and presentation of our buildings to ensure that we are providing thoughtful and inclusive information.

Our prices

In recent months, media such as the BBC and Guardian have reported significant increases in holiday accommodation costs in the face of unprecedented demand for holidays in the UK. Read here about our commitment to keeping prices as low as we can whilst covering our costs. 

Impact Review

View our Impact Review 2023

View our Impact Review 2019


Annual Reviews

View our Annual Review 2017

View our Annual Review 2016

View our Annual Review 2015

View our Annual Review 2014


Annual Reports

View our Annual Report 2023

View our Annual Report 2022

View our Annual Report 2021

View our Annual Report 9 months to 31 December 2020

View our Annual Report 2020

View our Annual Report 2019

 View our Annual Report 2018

View our Annual Report 2017

View our Annual Report 2016

View our Annual Report 2015

View our Annual Report 2014


Gender Pay Gap

Read our Gender pay gap report 2023

Read our Gender pay gap report 2022

Read our Gender pay gap report 2021

Read our Gender pay gap report 2020