Me & My Landmark

Housekeeper, Amanda Dawson, offers an insight into her role at Gothic Temple

The banister at Gothic Temple.

I have been Gothic Temple Housekeeper for nearly eight years now. I wasn't really looking for a job, but I saw the position advertised locally and thought it sounded interesting and it happened to fit in around my children.

Fortunately I was the successful applicant after being wowed myself at the building at my interview. I, like many others who walk around Stowe Gardens never realised that the building was a holiday let.    

Once I shut the front door and start working it is my own few hours of peace and quiet from my own life of husband and 3 children. I feel very protective over the building and I do my best help create the WOW factor for each new guest. I love being part of a team of highly dedicated and supportive people in such unique surroundings.

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