Which? Award Winner

Landmark chosen as a Recommended Provider

We have been chosen as a Recommended Provider by the Consumers Association in their UK self-catering accommodation survey featured in the May 2014 edition of Which? magazine.

Overall we achieved a 95% Customer Score, hitting five star ratings in nine of the thirteen categories. The survey took into account factors such as range of properties, ease of booking and customer service. We were jointly the highest rated in terms of customer satisfaction.

This was the first year that Which? received enough survey returns from Landmarkers to be included in their study. We'd like to thank those who took part.

This award is the second customer satisfaction success after our Best Small Self Catering Booking Company win in the 2013 British Travel Awards. 


Customer satisfaction is something that we really strive for at The Landmark Trust and we are delighted to have received this recognition from readers of Which?