34 years ago Tony and Beryl Siddons contacted our Founders, Sir John and Lady Smith, asking if Landmark might be interested in their home in Wells, as they were considering leaving it to us in their wills. We wrote back enthusiastically and so began the long-lasting relationship between Landmark, and the Siddons.

Tony, an Accountant, and Beryl, a Social Worker, became loyal supporters, stayed in many buildings, and also joined the Friends of Landmark. They took a keen interest in all that we were doing and Linda Millard (Development Manager – Gifts in wills) remembers many lengthy phone calls with Beryl relaying her latest wrangle with local planners or her input to the neighbourhood plan. There was also a wonderful trip to visit Robin Hood’s Hut, before restoration began. Beryl, with walking stick primed, hacked her way valiantly through the shoulder-high nettles to admire the amazing view from the umbrello. Beryl was thrilled to return later to see the completed work.

Beryl’s pride and joy was her split-screen Moggie (Morris Minor motor car), which she’d cherished from new. Still in immaculate condition, it will be enjoyed by its new owner.
Tony passed away some years ago and sadly Beryl died in May, aged 92. We are working with the Executors to ensure Tony and Beryl’s generous gift benefits Landmark as the Siddons envisaged all those years ago. The pair of cottages will be added to the portfolio of buildings in our care which are let to long-term tenants providing regular and vital income for our work.

We are immensely grateful to the Siddons for their enormously generous gift. They will be sadly missed and fondly remembered.