Join us for public Open Days at Calverley Old Hall in May 2025.
Visit the finished, fully furnished Landmark and see the hireable Community Space. Explore the craftsmanship, creativity and care which has contributed to this major restoration project completed in 2024.
An intriguing building, which has been added to, subtracted from, rearranged and developed across 700 years, Calverley Old Hall has now been brought right up to date with an exciting reimagining of the building for the 21st century. A newly discovered Tudor painted chamber hides alongside new rooms that occupy ancient spaces in spectacular harmony.
The new Landmark includes the stunning Great Hall with its late-15th century hammerbeam roof, overlooked by a gallery that leads to a first floor sitting room. There is no doubt that you find yourself in the 21st century: the building is heated by renewable energy and designed for accessibility, with clean modern design. Yet you are clasped by the changing archaeology of a thousand years, in a Landmark to contemplate the future as well as the past.

Alongside the new Landmark you will also be able to visit the Community Space which is available throughout the year for all to hire and use.
Thanks to National Lottery Players, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, who have made this restoration and this event possible.
Futher details to be announced.