The revival of Calverley Old Hall

Calverley Old Hall is a Grade I-listed manor house which, before restoration work began, was considered amongst the most at-risk buildings in England.

Our two year project is bringing the whole site into new use and will see spectacular self-catering holiday accommodation for up to 10 people, alongside dedicated space for local communities. 

Thanks to £1,600,000 Heritage Enterprise Grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, we are thrilled that the transformation also has support from trusts and foundations, generous gifts in wills and a remarkable 2,005 further individual supporters. Together these funds secure Calverley Old Hall’s future. 

The project at Calverley Old Hall is now nearing completion, and we are delighted that the building will be open for bookings soon. Sign up to our e-news or follow us on social media to be kept in the loop.


A new era for Calverley Old Hall

Incrementally developed by the Calverley family from the 12th century onwards, Calverley Old Hall is awe-inspiring in scale and yet has been largely near derelict in internal condition. Our imaginative and environmentally sustainable scheme by Cowper Griffith Architects is fusing the conservation of medieval fabric with contemporary design. We’re thrilled to be working with Ilkley-based contractors Dobson Construction and that, on completion, the project will bring Calverley Old Hall off the Heritage At Risk Register, safeguarding it for future generations.    

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Learning opportunities and community events

At the heart of Calverley’s restoration is a series of activities and opportunities, including the sharing of traditional craft skills with volunteers, trainees, and apprentices. Coming at a time of instability and uncertainty in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the project aimed to provide stepping-stones for a new generation of heritage specialists, including through accredited training and meaningful work experience placements. Running throughout is a vibrant programme of open days and creative activities enabling people from all backgrounds to get involved. 

Discover events at Calverley

Activities and events

Progress so far

Throughout the restoration project we have been offering a series of workshops, events, activities and training opportunities for members of our local community, and visitors from further afield. Our aim is to use our theme of Crafting Cultures to connect communities, cultures and heritage using Calverley Old Hall as inspiration.

For information about training opportunities, Open Days, creative workshops, volunteering opportunities and how to get involved at Calverley Old Hall click the button below.

Upcoming and past events

Classroom resources

We have been able to welcome some of our local schools to learn more about Calverley Old Hall and the family who once lived there. As part of this, we have produced a set of Key Stage 2 classroom resources that can be used as part of the classroom learning experience, or adapted for home-schooling.

Download the free resources


Calverley Old Hall Crafting Cultures training videos

Thanks to funding from National Lottery Players, we have been able to produce some short training videos to share some of the traditional craft skills being used on site. Find out how to fix a sash window cord, and get a glimpse into the exciting renovation of Calverley Old Hall.

Watch the video


‘I recently made a first visit to Calverley Old Hall, and while I had read my brief and seen the photographs, I was still ill-prepared for the wonder of walking into the soaring spaces of the Solar and then the Great Hall – the timber and stone fabric of these ancient places echoing with historical voices.  And that was before I saw the incredible wall paintings which we were so fortunate to discover.

The transformation of Calverley Old Hall will be one of Landmark’s most precious and costly projects. Forty years in development yet now in the last knockings of our fundraising appeal, thanks to the generosity of National Lottery players together with other wonderful supporters, we can reveal and share the special place. We are incredibly grateful to The National Lottery Heritage Fund and all who have contributed.’

Alan Leibowitz, Chairman of the Landmark Trust



The restoration of Calverley Old Hall is made possible withThe National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to rescue and restore this Grade-1 listed building for future generations. 

About The National Lottery Heritage Fund

The National Lottery Heritage Fund is the largest funder for the UK’s heritage. Using money raised by National Lottery players we support projects that connect people and communities to heritage. Our vision is for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future. From historic buildings, our industrial legacy and the natural environment, to collections, traditions, stories and more. Heritage can be anything from the past that people value and want to pass on to future generations. We believe in the power of heritage to ignite the imagination, offer joy and inspiration, and to build pride in place and connection to the past.

We are thrilled that the transformation also has support from trusts and foundations, generous gifts in wills and a remarkable 2,005 further individual supporters.

Our generous supporters here